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Windows settings I change after a clean install

10 minute read

Windows has a ton of native settings and features that can make it more pleasant and efficient to use. Below are some of my favorites that I always adjust af...

Tech podcasts I enjoy

3 minute read

I started listening to podcasts in the summer of 2023, and have been enjoying them while walking my dogs or exercising ever since. I have found them to be a ...

Type less by using PowerShell type accelerators

3 minute read

I had heard the PowerShell term “type accelerators” a few times, but never really knew what that meant. I finally decided to check out the about_Type_Acceler...

A PowerShell function to easily retry any code

9 minute read

Performing retries to make your code more resilient is a common pattern. By leveraging a PowerShell ScriptBlock, we can create a function to avoid constantly...

Easily format all files in your VS Code workspace

less than 1 minute read

I recently discovered the awesome Format Files VS Code extension that allows you to format all files in your workspace. Typically you would need to open each...